Distracted Driving
Eating is a common way to be distracted while driving. Don't try to multitask. Take extra time to eat before getting into your car! via -...

Distracted Driving
There are three main types of distraction. We've all experience them at one time or another. via State Auto Insurance Companies

Everyone's At Risk
Everyone's at risk. Nearly 2/3 of people injured or killed in a teen driver crash are people other than the driver. For more...

AAA Tire Care Tips
Who knew that Washington and Lincoln could help you know when to swap out your tires?AAA.com/AutoCommunity

Misperceptions About Flood Coverage
Many homeowners incorrectly believe that flooding is covered by standard homeowners insurance, according to the Insurance Information...

Hurricane Named One of the Best Cities for Building Wealth
The City of Hurricane was recently named to the LendEDU's study on the Best Cities for Building Wealth list! Hurricane was the only City...

You'll Never Look at Your Garage Door the Same Way Again.
Read how to keep yours safe: http://spr.ly/61888waWA via Safeco